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- It happens the same everywhere around the world. (The Yard)

-I was invited somwhere in the wold, by a friend, my friend make a lot of promisses. Promises which prefer to forget, now. He live in a house with several apartaments, with a shared courtyard. Since I am hosted here, and waith the promises come true, I see the same general dirt in the yard. - Time passes by working better. I said, and I grabbed with enthusiasm to clean. Gathering dried laves, collecting papers, sweep. A Lady , neighbour Lady, asked me, very surprised what I doing there . - Cleaning the yadr. I answered. - Because we get a lot of dirt in the house. - Yes she sayd. And she explained that the man who is responsable with cleaning dose not do his job. The inhabitants of the house will make a meeting, and they will solve the problem. This very ugly problem . - OK. I said, she left. While I cleaning the yard, I think what will happen now ? The man will be judjed, they will fire him . However, it is his duty. Or not ? I have collected numerous remnants of cigarettes, Ice cream papers, ...... Did we not have to respect the work of others ? - I asked myself. Why ?. 

- Maybe the man can not chase after everyone. And it looked like in the yard, is a competition. - Who throw more rubbish. It is easy to criticize, it is harder to help. For example: - do not throw trash in the yard. But, it is easier to judge . - This happen every day wherever in the world. We are different characters, but the same different caracters live worldwide, the only thing that is different is the country in which we live. Or where we come from. Richer country , or a poorer country. And it's good, they are poor countries, - We have forgotten how cleaning. They will do it. While I was cleaning, listening the album, The Wall (Pink Floyd and it fit well in the current situation.) I just remembered, my friend promises . - " Our home , our food , our work , life together ........." Yeah sure . Now my friend says he promised to much. In other words . Get out. Or , I 'm bored with this new toy. Thank God that we are not all the same. We are different characters. I have favorite quotes : - "Accept the things to Which fate binds you, and love the people with Whom fate brings you together , but do so with all your heart . " .... "Where I live if someone Gives you a hug it's from the heart . "...To tell the truth, I was very well tolerated in this house, I did not missed anything, for a time. Now my days are counted here, I think I've become an unwanted ghost. A sort trash. Why people do not understand, that promises must be respected. As a man's life may depend on promises. Those who are educated in the virtual world, forget the true world. - "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." - - I do not want to hurt anyone, especially my friends, my friend. I keep the pleasant memories. (Because it was. I was accepted and helped for a while. I must admit that. ) My friend wants to help me, even now. He'll tolerate my presence in the area. What great luck I have. Stupidity and reign are paid. I feel it now. - I continue to clean away, maybe I'll manage to clean, in my soul and in others soul. Maybe. But life will never forgive this fatal mistake, why I trusted my friend. Why ? - Because things are linked together, promise and trust. Okay, time to go, I do not accept any false help, and promises more. I'm going to clean in to another world.

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Sepi (SANITAS): Impactul bugetar pentru creșterea salariilor în sistemul sanitar este de 1,3 miliarde lei

Sepi (SANITAS): Impactul bugetar pentru creșterea salariilor în sistemul sanitar este de 1,3 miliarde lei


Prim-vicepreședintele Federației Sanitas, Marius Sepi, a declarat marți, la sediul Guvernului, că impactul bugetar pentru creșterea salariilor în sistemul sanitar este de 1,3 miliarde lei, calculele fiind deja făcute de către Casa Națională de Asigurări de Sănătate (CNAS).

'Prima creștere de venituri pentru întreg personalul din sistemul sanitar va avea loc din data de 1 octombrie, în cuantum de 25 la sută. Săptămâna viitoare va fi introdusă ordonanța de Guvern. Celelalte etape, în procente de tot 25 la sută, vor fi în anul 2016, 2017. Impactul bugetar este de 1,3 miliarde (lei, n.r.), s-au făcut toate calculele de către Casa Națională (de Asigurări de Sănătate n.r.). A fost prezent și domnul ministru Teodorovici, care a spus că este pregătit să susțină acest proiect', a afirmat Marius Sepi.

Potrivit acestuia, se preconizează o dublare a veniturilor actuale în plată.

'În această perioadă se vor găsi soluții pentru a ne conecta de legea-mamă, de legea salarizării unitare a personalului din sănătate, în așa fel încât să nu existe ca și până acum comasări ale nivelurilor de salarizare pentru profesii diferite. Așa cum s-a discutat la acest moment, chiar preconizăm o dublare a veniturilor actuale în plată. Toate categoriile profesionale din spital vor beneficia de majorări salariale, de la portar și până la ultimul medic. Este vorba de 224.000 de angajați. Dacă ne raportăm la medicii angajați în acest moment în sistemul public de stat, sunt 13.580 de medici', a mai spus prim-vicepreședintele Federației Sanitas.

AGERPRES/(AS-autor: Magdalena Tănăsescu, editor: Mariana Nica)

2015-08-18 17:09:00


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